Tuesday 4 August 2009

Week 2

Week 2

Day 8 - 29/07/09

I have the district nurse coming today to change my dressing. And also, my body is deciding to periodically wake me up at 3.30am every morning to go to the loo, which means sending a text to Mum so she can help me up. I also wrote a card to Mr Apthorp and all on the ward at Cookson Attenborough Ward for my Mum to take down as she's going to the hospital with my Grandma this evening. As I'm writing this at 10.00am, this time last week I was a quivering wreck waiting for the operating staff to come for me. Strange to think it's all over now.
Also, my Grandma brought over a shower stool that she had for when my late great-grandma had had a fall. So now I can have showers instead of washes by the basin :D

The Nurse came today and instead of redressing my wound, she took the dressing off completely and told me to rub a little E45 cream onto it every night and morning as it helps to minimise some of the scarring. I also finished 2 books so far since being at home and am gradually working my way through the pile I got from the library last week.

Day 9 - 30/07/09

I got more mobile today and paid the price a bit in the evening because my hip was a bit sore. Still practising my physio exercises which are gradually getting easier, although I'm still struggling with the one where I have to abduct my leg outwards. I also had a shower today, instead of having to sit at the basin and have a body wash. I managed to get off a lot of the remaining pink stuff they had painted on me prior to surgery. It felt so nice to have a proper shower by myself!

Day 10 - 31/07/09

I managed to sleep through the night without having to get up which was nice. Also managed to get out to the swimming pool to see all my friends which was good and also the first time I'd been out since I came home from hospital. I have my first real challenge tomorrow as I'm going to my friends birthday BBQ at her beach-hut so I'm going to try to negotiate pebbles :S

Day 14 - 4/08/09

Well, I managed to conquer the pebbles and a half-mile of sea defences to arrive rather soggy (it was tipping it down with rain!) at Alice's beach-hut and spent an hour and half sitting in the rain under an umbrella before I had to haul my soggy self up a huge hill. Easier said than done when you're on crutches. The crutches are really starting to kill my hands now so I'm spending my days sat on the sofa watching DVD's and reading books although I feel that I've run out of good ones. A trip down to the library is needed I think. I've also spent the last three mornings being 'babysat' by my best friend Megan while Mum is at work. I'm becoming more independent but there's still many things that remain impossible to do whilst on crutches!
I've mastered getting in and out of bed and the car myself which is much more helpful, and it's hard to think that my op was only 2 weeks ago - it feels like so much longer! I'm also cutting down on my painkillers so I'm only taking 2 or 3 doses a day alongside my Iron tablets - it's not pain I'm experiencing anymore - it's stiffness - my brain is telling my leg to do something and it jut won't do it. More often than not I have to give it some help by moving my leg with my hands. That being said though, I have now been able to abduct my leg if only a little.
The one thing that is really bugging me about not being mobile is the boredom. You can only watch so many DVD's in a day. I start watching a DVD and switch off halfway through, preferring to text my friends who I have to wait years for a reply from and then I just get sooo bored. I've even taken to peeling off the glue on my wound that as started to peel off and ball up - my mum and sister think it's gross but it's making my wound look much more tidy, the glue made it look nasty, now it's all tidy :) (sorry if that grossed you out ;P)